Cambium cnMatrix - Firmware Upgrade via CLI



The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how to upgrade the firmware for cnMatrix switch which has just been unboxed, please note the switch will have a default IP Address of



  • Please ensure you have the firmware downloaded from Cambium

  • Please ensure you have installed a TFTP server running on your laptop or desktop which has access to the switch, for windows TFTPD32 is recommended and can be found > TFTPD32 Download


Step 1 - Set the IP address of the TFTP Server

The device acting as the TFTP server should have its IP address set to the following:

IP address

Subnet Mask


Step 2 - Installing the firmware

Connecting your laptop/device to the MGMT port on the front of the switch use the following commands. 

Please change "firmware.bin" to the filename in that you downloaded from Cambium

  • download agent tftp://


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