Cambium cnMatrix - *** Getting Started Guide ***



The purpose of this guide is to template the most basic edge switch installation.

Please note that creating additional VLANs will need to be manually added as will tagged and un-tagged switch ports, it is also assumed that this is a standalone switch and it is not stacked.


Cambium use the baud rate of 115200


configure terminal
interface vlan 1
no ip address
ip address [x.x.x.x] [x.x.x.x]
vlan 999
ports add gigabitethernet 0/2  ----- Tagged interface 2 
ports add gigabitethernet 0/1 untagged gigabitethernet 0/1 ------ Untagged interface 1
name Testing
interface vlan 999
ip address [x.x.x.x] [x.x.x.x]
no shutdown
ip name-server ipv4 [x.x.x.x]

ip route [x.x.x.x]

username admin password Password1!
set sntp unicast-server ipv4 [x.x.x.x]
set sntp client addressing-mode unicast
set sntp client enable
clock time source ntp
ip ssh cipher aes256-cbc
spanning-tree mode rst
write startup-configuration

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