Cambium ePMP - Retrieve Tech Support & Device Configuration File



The purpose of this guide is to retrieve Technical Support File and Configuration File 

 Step 1: Power on Radio – Check LED Status




Step 2: Open

Command Prompt – If the IP address is known, change your Laptop/PC NIC to the same subnet as the unit. Ping the unit to check IP connectivity. If successful proceed to step 4.




Step 3: If the IP address is unknown – We can access the Unit using the Zeroconf IP. (Default

Leave your Laptop/PC NIC IP address to retrieve the IP Address Automatically (DHCP), Ping the unit to check IP connectivity. If successful proceed to step 4.


 Step 4:  Navigate to the radio Web GUI page – http:// <Radio IP Address> - e.g, in some instances you may be required to use Secure HTTP (https://)

Step 5: Enter the Username & Password – Default admin/admin


Step 6: Navigate to the Tools Tab, then select the Backup/Restore Tab

  1. For the Tech Support File > Under Backup Technical Support File > Click the Download button

  2. For the Configuration File > Under Backup Configuration > Click the Download Button (You can select Text or Binary file format)



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