Firmware Upgrade Process:
SW Upgrade Procedure of Siklu Units using the CLI and FileZilla FTP Server.
SW Upgrade Procedure of Siklu Units using the WebGUI. (FTP & HTTP)
Configure FileZilla Server
Download and install FileZilla Server (
Once connected to the server, you’ll get a screen like below. It’ll give you some basic info about the server and also auto-detect if you are behind a NAT router.
The first thing that you will need to do is create an FTP user account. Click the Edit menu and choose Users:
On the General page, go ahead and click on the Add button at the far right.
Enter the name of the user "ftp" then hit OK:
To assign a password, check the Password box and then type in a password "admin" for the user.
We’re done adding a user.
Open Windows File Explorer and create a folder in the C:\ called “Publicftp”
Now back into FileZilla, share a directory click “Shared folders” then browse for the folders that you want to share:
Set the permission for the users, make sure to uncheck write and delete if you don’t want other users to modify your files and directories.
Store the SW version files under C:/publicftp
Once the FTP server is configured and running,
1. Connect to the ODU using ssh client. You can use a common open-source SSH client programs such as puTTY (can be downloaded from
- Login as user <admin>.
- Enter the password <admin>.
2. Use CLI to download and accept sw to the ODU using the copy sw command:
copy sw ftp://<username>:<password>@<Server IP Address>/<sw image name>
Example below
3. To Activate the new downloaded SW (with 10 minutes timeout to accept it)
The ODU will reboot and come up with the new downloaded sw.
4. Reconnect using CLI and make sure the link is up.
5. After you verify the new SW version is running as expected make sure to accept the new SW before the timeout expires:
Using the Web GUI
The system supports two software versions, maintaining an Active (running) and an Offline (standby) software versions (banks) that allow software upgrades with minimum service interruption.
The software upgrade process consists of 3 steps: (FTP)
- Download. Transferring the new software file to the system (to the offline software bank).
2. Run. Switching the active status between the banks so the downloaded software becomes active.
3. Accept. Use timeout to verify that the new active software performs as expected and accept the upgrade to make it permanent.
The SW Upgrade section displays the software versions currently resides in the banks and their status (Active or Offline).
- Always upgrade both sides!
When upgrading an operational link, upgrade the remote system first and then the local system. Accept the software at both ends after verifying that the link performs as expected.
The software upgrade process consists of 3 steps: (HTTP)
1. Browse. Navigate to the Firmware File on your Laptop/PC
2. Download. Transferring the new software file to the system (to the offline software bank).
2. Run. Switching the active status between the banks so the downloaded software becomes active.
3. Accept. Use timeout to verify that the new active software performs as expected and accept the upgrade to make it permanent.
The SW Upgrade section displays the software versions currently resides in the banks and their status (Active or Offline).
- Always upgrade both sides!
When upgrading an operational link, upgrade the remote system first and then the local system. Accept the software at both ends after verifying that the link performs as expected.
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