Adding Cambium Core to cnMaestro
By default, Cambium Core radios will not automatically join cnMaestro. In order for this to happen, we need to manually apply onboarding details.
Step 1 - Claiming the Device
Login to your cnMaestro account and select "Onboard Devices"
Click "Claim Device"
This will display a window where you can enter in the serial number and click Claim Devices.
Step 2 - Finding your Cambium ID and Onboarding Key
Click the "Claim From Device" tab. This will now show you your Cambium ID and allow you to create a new onboarding key
Step 3
Login into the radio and select Configuration > cnMaestro
Step 4
Enter your Cambium ID and Onboarding Key which can be found from your cnMaestro instance. Once you have entered this click "Save Changes" and then click "Reboot"