Ruckus ICX - Stacking Switches



The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how to stack ICX switches.

Stacking switches provides the benefit of combining multiple switches to act as one meaning that you only need to manage a single IP address.



  • The switch must have a minimum of two 10Gb or higher ports licensed

  • The switch must have all 10Gb or higher ports that will participate in stacking connected.

  • This must be completed in privileged exec mode



Define the Master Switch

  • enable

  • configure terminal

  • stack enable

  • end

*** Wait for 45 Seconds ***

  • stack interactive-setup   >>> The master switch will now search for other connected members and ask for you to confirm the stack topology.

It is worth noting the MAC Address on the side of the switch as this will help ascertain the ordering.

The connected switches will reboot once the topology has been accepted once they have all rebooted the stack is ready for use.


Stack Verification

Log back into the switch

  • enable

  • show stack

ICX7650 Change Stacking Speed

The ICX7650 ships with 100Gb ports at the rear of the switch, these can be used for stacking with 40Gb DAC cables however the port speed needs to be changed in order for this to work.


  • enable

  • Configure terminal

  • Rear-module stack-40g

  • Write memory

  • End

  • Reload

  • Y

  • Y




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