Ruckus ICX - Firmware Recovery



The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how to recover the firmware and bootrom for a switch that has had either the wrong firmware applied or the firmware has become corrupted.


  • Please ensure you have the firmware downloaded from Ruckus

  • Please ensure you have installed a TFTP server running on your laptop or desktop which has access to the switch, for windows TFTPD32 is recommended and can be found > TFTPD32 Download


Firmware Recovery Process

Enter the Boot Loader

During the boot process press "b" repeatedly 

Change the Boot Settings

Replace [ ] with the information required

  • setenv serverip [IP Address]   >>>  IP address of TFTP server

  • setenv ipaddr [IP Address]  ?>> IP address assigned to switch

  • setenv netmask [Netmask x.x.x.x]

  • setenv gatewayip [Default gateway]

  • setenv uboot [Boot image.bin] - Not needed if using UEFI Firmware

  • setenv image_name [Image Name.bin]


Display the Boot Settings

  • printenv

This will display the configured settings as set previously.



Uploading Bootrom

  • update_uboot - Not needed if using UEFI Firmware


Uploading Firmware

  • update_primary      >>> Updates primary firmware bank

  • update_secondary  >>> Updates secondary firmware bank


Reboot the Switch

Once the switch has completed updating the bootrom and firmware it must be rebooted

  • powercycle






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