Ruckus ICX - Auto-Provisioning



The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how to make a switch auto-provision the configuration intended for it.

This is useful when multiple switches share the majority of the same configuration.




  • Ensure that the configuration has been run through a switch first so that any errors are identified and rectified.

  • Export the configuration from the switch once the configuration has been tested.

  • Please ensure you have installed a TFTP server running on your laptop or desktop which has access to the switch, for windows TFTPD32 is recommended and can be found > TFTPD32 Download

  • Ensure the switches can obtain an IP address via DHCP and that DHCP Option 150 has been configured with the IP address of the TFTP server.


Step 1

Open the Excel file named "Filename Renamer.xlsx"

Once opened change the "TFTP Location" column to be the location of your TFTP root directory - this is found on the "Linked Variables Worksheet"

You will also need to change the "Switch Firmware" column to be either -Switch or -Router depending on if you are running the switching or routing firmware.

Step 2

Moving back to the worksheet called "ReNamer"

Under the column "Original Filename" enter in the current filename of the configuration file.

Under the column "MAC Address Of Switch Scanned in" scan in or type in the MAC Address of the switch found on the side of the switch



Step 3

Under the column "Switch Model" replace the name with the corresponding switch model name found on the second sheet called "Switch Models"

Step 4

Copy the original configuration files to the location of your TFTP root directory.

Under column "Command to Execute" copy the cells and past into a command prompt window.

This will then generate the configuration files required.


Step 5

If the switches have already received an IP Address via DHCP please reboot them so they can invoke the auto-provisioning.

If the switches are turned off turn them on.


Step 6 

Verify the configuration has applied.

This can take 2-5 minutes for all the switches to apply there configuration, sanity check that the switches name in the CLI has changed to the hostname that you specified in your configuration.

If this has then run the command "write mem" as a precautionary measure.






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