Create Password change template in cnMaestro for PMP 450
Should it be desired to alter the administrator and/or root passwords for the PMP 450 series a template may be created within cnMaestro, which would then enable this to be pushed down to the radios on mass.
Here is an example template:
"userParameters": {
"authenticationConfig": {
"whispWebUserAccessMode": 2,
"allowRejectThenLocal": 1,
"authenticationKey": "",
"accounts": [
"userName": "admin",
"level": 3,
"readOnly": false,
"passwordEncrypted": "40b491d60000042f09c7950d27563018"
"userName": "root",
"level": 3,
"password": "${password=newpassword}",
"readOnly": false
"authKeyOption": 0
"cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file",
"cfgFileVersion": "1.0"
Notably, there are sections for each account, you can add or remove accounts. Passwords may be with either the "password" (not encrypted) or "passwordEncrypted" (password then not displayed as plain text) attributes.
The ${} (seen in the root account password section, instructs cnMaestro to make this a variable which can be set before the template is applied to devices.
If you choose to use encrypted passwords in the configuration file, the password will need to be encrypted. To do this, log into any radio and go to Configuration->Unit Settings. Navigate to the section for encrypting passwords. Type the new password into the field and click "Encrypt the password". The radio will show the encrypted version just below where you typed the password. Copy the output and paste it in the appropriate location of the configuration file.
The template above, is applicable for both AP and SM. This can now be added into a template within cnmeastro and applied to radios your select.