Cambium cnPilot

cnMaestro - Best Practice AP Group
This guide is to demonstrate setting up an AP group for Cambium Enterprise APs using best practices.    - Have a cnMaestro account set up (Essentials ...
*** cnPilot Getting started with cnMaestro ***
Cambium cnPilot - Zero Touch Meshing in cnMaestro
Purpose The purpose of this guide is to template the configuration of mesh in cnMaestro. Pre-Requisites: The user must already have created a cnMaestr...
Cambium cnPilot - Retrieve Tech Support & Configuration File : CnMaestro
Purpose: Retrieve Tech Support File : Cambium cnPilot – CnMaestro Step 1: Select Manage Step 2: Select Wi-Fi AP Groups Step 3: Select the Radio Ste...
Cambium cnPilot - Trunking VLANs on cnPilot APs
Problem   Description: When using an SSID that references a tagged VLAN, the client can connect to the SSID but does not get an IP address on the netw...
Cambium cnPilot - Retrieve Tech Support & Device Configuration File : Local GUI
Purpose:   The purpose of this guide is to retrieve Technical Support File and Configuration File for the Cambium cnPilot. Step 1: Power on Radio – C...
Cambium cnPilot - R series Firewall NAT
Problem   Description: Should a customer require to setup a system to be able to be accessed from the internet, they will need to setup a Firewall rul...
Cambium cnPilot - How to create a cnMaestro account
Purpose To assist new customers to be able to create a new Cambium cnMaestro cloud account.   Steps Step 1: Browse to   Ste...
Cambium cnPilot - Paid Guest Access on cnMaestro (PayPal)
This document details the configuration of paid guest WLAN access in cnMaestro, using a Guest Access Portal with PayPal as the payment gateway method....
Cambium cnPilot - Radios Stuck Displaying "INIT"
Purpose The purpose of this guide is to help overcome the issue whereby either the 2.4GHz or 5GHz Radio is stuck displaying INIT with no logs identify...
Cambium cnPilot - Redirect AP from cloud to on-premises cnMaestro
Problem   Description: Zero-touch onboarding in cnPilot means an AP will automatically discover its cnMaestro controller and connect to it. For the cl...
Cambium cnPilot - Configuring minimum data rates in cnMaestro
Purpose The purpose of this guide is to configure basic data rate settings in cnMaestro. This helps optimise the RF environment and assists with clien...
Cambium cnPilot - Configure Hotspot 2.0 on cnPilot
1. Navigate to Configure > WLAN > Passpoint tab. The following fields are displayed. a) Select Enable checkbox to enable passpoint functionality. b) S...
Cambium cnPilot - Freeradius Configuration
Description: Customers wishing to utilise radius authentication, but do not currently have a radius server, may wish to use freeRADIUS. freeRADIUS ( h...
Cambium cnPilot - cnMaestro - Add a new User
Purpose: The purpose of this guide is to document how to add a new user to your Cloud cnMaestro Account. Step 1: Login to Cloud cnMaestro account htt...
Cambium cnPilot - cnMaestro is pushing bridge mode configuration to the R201 but does not create bridge WAN profile
cnMaestro is pushing bridge mode configuration to the R201 but does not create bridge WAN profile. cnMaestro should push one command to along with bri...
Cambium cnPilot - cnMaestro Controller assisted roaming
When cnPilot APs are used to serve up a captive-portal network, the authentication status of the wireless clients is synchronised among those access p...
Cambium cnPilot - Client location API
Description: cnPilot Enterprise series APs can be configured to periodically report signal strength information of all clients in the vicinity of the ...
cnMaestro - Onboarding APs with Pre-Configuration
Purpose:   This guide is to demonstrate how to onboard and AP with Pre-Configuration.    Pre-requisites:  - Have a cnMaestro account set up (Essential...
cnMaestro - Create a guest SSID with Captive Portal
Purpose:   This guide is to demonstrate how to set up a Guest Access Portal in cnMaestro and how to set up a guest SSID that uses the guest portal.   ...